Čestitke, z virtualnim sprehodom po naših termah ste uspeli poiskati tudi darilo, ki smo ga za vas pripravili kot Darilo dobrodošlice ob vašem obisku Term Snovik.
Darilni bon v vrednosti 10,00 € boste prejeli v obliki PDF voucherja na vaš elektronski naslov.
Sedaj pa vas vabimo, da oddate svoje podatke v spodnjem obrazcu in bon v najkrajšem času prejmete. Bon velja 12 mesecev od datuma izdaje in ga je mogoče koristiti ob nakupu/naročilu vseh storitev term nad vrednostjo 50,00 €.
Congratulations, with a virtual walk through our thermal resort, you also managed to find a gift that we prepared for you as a welcome gift for your visit to Terme Snovik.
You will receive a €10.00 gift voucher as a PDF voucher to your email address.
Now we invite you to submit your contact information in the form below and receive the voucher as soon as possible. The voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of issue and can be used when purchasing/ordering all our services over €50.00.
(izpolnite obrazec/fill in the form)